
Jumat, 30 April 2010

Barbados Restaurants

When people plan their Barbados vacation they usually think Sea and Sun…. Think again. Restaurant and Food standards in Barbados are extremely high, with chefs from the island winning international culinary awards and competitions year after year. Good food is very important to the average Barbadian with Many young teens already skilled in preparing food at home and I mean preparing food from scratch not instant meals.
There are many highly trained chefs on the island both expat and local and the range of cuisine is astounding and includes Mexican, Chinese, Thai, French, Italian, Indian, Local as well as Caribbean cuisine.
Whatever your mood for the evening or depth of your pocket there is a restaurant that will suit your needs as they vary from casual atmosphere and very reasonable prices to Posh and oooh la la prices.
There are also the dinner cruises or as I like to call them “floating restaurants” which can be quite large boats complete with floor shows or intimate catamaran cruises both of which can be very romantic.
Also popular on the island is “Oistins”. This is a fishing village which has numerous kiosks which prepare local food for sale at night. The price usually ranges from approximately U.S. $8 – U.S. $13 per person and the taste is just as good as any of the restaurants on the island. On Friday nights there is a party as well with music and dancing that usually lasts until Midnight.
There are quite a few establishments on the island who serve dinner from around 6:30 p.m. and then at about 10:30 you realize that the entire atmosphere has changed to a nightclub atmosphere and will continue in party mode till at least 2:00 a.m. Some close their doors as late as 4 or 5 in the morning.
For nights that you just want to stay at home there is also the option of ordering in. While the selection available is not as large as it would be in bigger countries there are a few restaurants and fast food restaurants that do deliver.
Checking out the restaurants is very important when planning a holiday. Remember little lady is on holiday too she does not want to be stuck with the cooking and washing up afterwards. Also relationships are built on memories and what could be more romantic than intimate dinners together not always possible with our hectic lives.
When deciding on where you will eat there are a lot of consideration to keep in mind such as the type of food served, the price, location as well as ambiance. With this in mind it is no easy task in choosing what is right for you. This is where a good travel guide can really come in handy as they usually have pretty in depth information on there restaurants which can include photographs and menus as well to help you make your choice.
Choosing a local travel guide, that is one that is actually run by locals can be your wisest choice as they usually can give you first hand information on the restaurants as well.

Kamis, 29 April 2010

Barbados Holidays

When considering a travel holiday to the Caribbean Barbados is considered by many to be the best choice of islands with its beautiful beaches, high standard of living, and amazing people. Whether you are in the market for total relaxation or a holiday packed with activities and parties Barbados will not disappoint.

Barbados, located in the southern Caribbean, is the most easterly of the Caribbean islands, located at Latitude 13° north and Longitude 59° 37W. This isolated pear-shaped island is for 21 miles long and 14 miles wide at its widest point, giving it a total land area of 166 square miles.

Barbadians or Bajans as locals call themselves are among the most educated people in the world with free education a right of each and every Barbadian citizen.

Although there a many private doctors and clinics on the island providing excellent care. Health care is also guaranteed to every citizen and the standard of care is high.

The island’s lone airport. The Grantley Adams International Airport, is one of the most modern in the Caribbean and is serviced by many major airlines including Air Canada, American Airlines, British Airways, Air Jamaica, BWIA International and Virgin Atlantic.

This charming island is made up mainly of coral limestone and is fringed with coral reefs. However, the north-eastern part of the island or The Scotland District which runs through the parishes of St. John, St. Joseph and St Andrew is comprised of sandstone and clay. This area is well known for its lush vegetation and spectacular scenery and is covered in most if not all island tours.
The island is characterized by gently sloping; terraced plains which rise west to east to it’s highest point Mount Hillaby at 1100 ft.

Most of the development in the island can be found along the south and west coasts of the island with the Capital Bridgetown at its centre. Most hotels on the island are also located on the south or west coasts of the island, with the south coast being the most active, the hotels on the south coast in general tend to be mostly 2 to 4 star hotels with many no frills accommodation available while the west coast is where most of the luxury hotels are located, including the exclusive Sandy Lane Hotel, although there are exceptions to the rule in both instances.

The crystal clear ocean of Barbados beaches provide the perfect setting for days spent at the beach engaged in water or beach activities including jet-skiing, surfing, kiteboarding, windsurfing, kayaking, parasailing, sailing, water skiing, snorkeling, wakeboarding and scuba diving. There is also deep sea fishing, boat cruises boat charters available. For the true water enthusiast there are rentals available for almost all disciplines including scuba gear, surfboards, kayaks and kite equipment. Lessons are available for almost all water activities as well.

If you were to travel the coast of the island you would find the calm waters of the west coast meeting the small shore break conditions of the south getting increasingly rougher as we come around the east with the Atlantic waves rolling in and finally the equally rough conditions of the north battering the cliffs.

Transportation on the island is also excellent with the Transport Board which is government run and Route Taxi’s providing excellent coverage to just about every conceivable destination. In addition there are many taxis and Rental Car companies available for those who wish to travel at their own convenience.

The nightlife on Barbados is very varied and ranges from the cultural rum shops to modern nightclubs, beach bars, pubs and also some of the best restaurants to be found anywhere in the Caribbean.

Rabu, 28 April 2010

Bangkok, der erste Eindruck

Schon seit der Schulzeit war ich von Thailand und dessen Kultur fasziniert. Mein Traum war es schon immer mit Rucksack einfach mal einen Flug zu bestellen und ein Monat oder gegebenenfalls durch Thailand zu reisen.

Nach meinem Abi, nahm ich mir also ein Ticket mit einem Freund und in nur wenigen Tage befand ich mich in einem Flugzeug Richtung Thailand, oder besser gesagt Richtung Bangkok!

Bangkok sollte nicht mein Reiseziel sein, sondern meine Startpunkt meiner Thailand Reise. Allgemein wird Bangkok nur selten als Touristenstadt angesehen, sondern als Reise Mittelpunkt, von wo man in allen Ecken von Thailand oder gar Asien gute Transport Verbindung hat.

Nach einem Flug durch die halbe Welt, sind wir im Flughafen in Bangkok um 3 Uhr morgens angekommen, müde von der langen Reise, aufgeregt auf unser Abenteuer. Bevor man noch zu seinen Koffer kommt, begegnet man zum ersten Mal einen Thailänder an der Pass Kontrolle. Die Beamten sind sehr streng und sprechen ein schwer zu erkennendes English. Aber sobald man einen gültigen Passport mit Visa vorzeigen kann, gibt es keinerlei Probleme. Noch an der Passkontrolle wird man von Vorne und vom Profil von einer Mini Camera fotografiert und man nimmt Fingerabdrücke ab, alles in modernster Fassung! Schnell kommt man jedoch mit Taschen und Rucksack zum Taxi, (der auch nicht wirklich English sprechen kann aber immer wieder "okay" ausruft) und versucht in die Straßen Viertel " Khao San Strasse " zu kommen.

Die Fahrt dauerte lange, eine Stunde im Auto, und die Sonne stieg langsam auf. Durch die Provinzen von Bangkok sieht man noch in der Morgendämmerung um 4 Uhr morgens die ersten Schüler in Uniform und Rucksack durch die Strassen laufen. Auch waren schon Märkte offen und es wurde Gemüse und Früchten gekauft. Irgendwie schien Bangkok nicht mehr zu schlafen, trotz der Uhrzeit.

Angekommen in der Khao San Strasse, befanden wir uns plötzlich in Mitten von Bangkok, im Touristen Viertel, wo es angeblich nur von Hostels und billigeren Hotels wimmele. Doch als wir um kurz nach 5 ankamen, waren die Strassen leer, kein Menschenseele auf den Straßen. Doch Die Strassen machten keinen friedlichen Eindruck, sondern eher ein beengten Eindruck. Ein Gebäude klebte an dessen Nebengebäude, Jedes Fenster auf jeden Stock war mit bunten Zeichen und Schildern versehen. Die Strasse war zwar Menschenleer, doch trotzdem voll von Farben und Information. In diesem ganzen Chaos konnte man nicht mal wieder erkennen, wo sich ein Supermarkt befindet, wo sich ein Hostel befindet und in welcher Strasse man sich überhaupt befindet. Die Stille war dazu erschreckend. Wir entschieden uns schnell ein Hostel ausfindig zu machen und unser Schlaf nachzuholen. In unser Zimmer, mit Fenster auf Khao San, legten wir uns schlafen.

Doch schon nach eine Stunde wurden wir von einer Welle von Musik, Lärm, Geräuschen und Rufe geweckt. Schockiert standen wir vor dem Fenster und sahen eine Strasse, die nur von Menschen wimmelte. Khao San war überfüllt von Touristen, Thailänder, Geschäftsmänner, Kinder und Mönche. Der Lärm, der zu unserem Zimmer stieg, war ein Gemisch aus allen möglichen Sprachen, Thailändischer Musik, Gebete und mehr. Auf Khao San befand sich nun von Schritt zu Schritt ein Verkaufsstand nach dem anderen. Gerüche von gebratenem Essen, von Früchte und anderem stiegen in unsere Nase.

Mein erster Eindruck von Bangkok, war schockierend von der Menge von Farben, Menschen, Information, Gerüche, Smoke in der Luft, Autos etc. Ich stand unter einem richtigen Kultur Schock. Bangkok ist eine überfüllte lebendige Stadt, die mit nichts in Europa vergleichbar ist. Auf der anderen Seite fasziniert Bangkok einen jeden Menschen. Diese über 6 Millionen Einwohner Stadt ist voller Leben, Moderne und Kultur. Asien scheint wie ein Zauber auf uns Europäer, die neue Gerüchte, die neue Geschmäcke, die neue Gesichtern… Bangkok ist eine neue Welt und das in aller Größe!

Selasa, 27 April 2010

Backpacking in Africa: Staying in Hostels

Backpacking, especially in Africa and other exotic places has been more and moore popular the recent years. Many of us remember the movie "The Beach" a few years ago and it's a fact that backpacking increased after this movie launched. But haven't backpacking been a common way of travelling for students as long as there have been students and travelling? I will answer a clear 'yes' to that question. Hitchhiking and backpacking have been common by students and other low budget travellers for many years now.

Africa is a wonderful continent to go exploring and backpacking through some of the wonderful jungles and mountain ranges. As many a backpacker can tell you one of the best ways to lodge while on an adventure such as this is to take advantage of the many hostels located around the continent that welcome travellers of all ages to spend a night or two with them and immerse themselves in local culture.

Most people have always wanted to take a backpacking adventure in Africa because of the wide variety of people, culture, animals and landscapes available on the continent. In fact, many tour companies specialize in African getaway packages that lead you on a guided tour of some of the most breathtaking aspects of this continent that has a fascinating history and background. When considering a trip to this region it is highly recommended you utilize their services because of certain areas on the continent that can be dangerous to foreigners without local guides.

However, for the most part you will find the people of the African continent to be welcoming and eager to share their culture with you. By taking advantage of hostelling arrangements you will be able to meet fellow backpackers and local from the region that will share with you some of the unique features of the region and also help you immerse yourself in the specialized culture of the region. These low-cost solutions to lodging are often the only choice in many parts of the continent because of the unavailability of hotels and other arrangements.

Senin, 26 April 2010

Backpacker Travel Insurance

What is a backpacker travel insurance?

Backpacker travel insurance is not the same as annual holiday insurance, this is mistake many young travelers make when purchasing insurance. Annual holiday insurance is designed for your average holiday maker, who goes abroad a couple of times a year usually for a week or two at a time, and spends most of their time relaxing on the beach. This is very different to the habits of your average backpacker, if there is such a thing as an average backpacker. If you are planning on travelling for long periods of time annual holiday insurance usually doesn't cover your stay out of the country for more than a few weeks at a time.

Backpacker travel insurance initially covers any travel period from a total of 90 days to a one year trip, with a pay as you go benefit enabling you to extend, as often as you want to, the duration of your travel insurance up to 18 months. Online Backpacker travel insurance will take care of you during your longer than usual travels, but will also give you the freedom to fill this time with exciting opportunities as you will automatically be covered for a huge range of hazardous sport that you may get the chance to try.

Hopefully it'll be an adventure of a life time, but you'll be visiting strange places where you may not even speak the language. Don’t worry, you’ll no more feel like a stranger in an unknown world. Find all your information on travel insurance online. Avail of trip cancellation insurance and holiday insurance. Other features include temporary car insurance, health insurance, medical insurance and prescription services.It’s wise to have a good choice for all backpackers and people backpacking around the world, whether you have taken a gap year and taking time out from your studies, business or just a holiday, vacations, working abroad or studying abroad as a student. Get special covers on adventurous sports, skiing, and providing protection for activities such as scuba diving, paragliding, bungee jumping and winter sports.

Baggage and Possessions Cover. Ensure that your policy protects your possession or you will be unable to claim any compensation for stolen or lost items. Your policy should also cover any administrative costs incurred in the event that your passport is stolen and needs to be reissued.

Emergency Medical Cover. This will provide financial cover for any costs you have to make in the event that you need medical attention.

Holiday Cancellation. If due to unforeseen circumstances you have to cancel your trip early, you will be compensated for any monies lost.

Personal Liability. This is legal cover for any accident, injury or harm you might inadvertently inflict on another individual.

Rescue and Repatriation. In the event of a medical emergency rescue, all your costs will paid by your insurer. This should include helicopter rescue.

Travel Delay. Compensation for any money lost due to a delayed departure, though this will often only be paid after you have been delayed for a set length of time outlined in the policy wording.

Always learn to verify the terms and conditions of any insurance. Carry out research online, always compare the Backpacker Travel Insurance insurance package rate and be aware of the fact that a cheap insurance is not the best one. Comparing different insurance packages is quite essential.

Minggu, 25 April 2010

Avoid Jet Lag On Airline International Travel

There's nothing more aggravating than arriving at your destination groggy and red-eyed. Jet lag makes clear thinking difficult, leading to bad decisions at international business meetings, and recreational travelers find it detracts from the enjoyment of their hard-earned and time-limited vacations. Symptoms include fatigue and general tiredness, inability to sleep at night, loss of concentration, headaches, malaise and disorientation. It is caused by the disruption of biological rhythms as a result of rapid transitions across multiple time-zones. Such desynchronization of circadian rhythms also affects employees who transfer to night shifts.

Preflight preparation isone of the most important aspects of combating jet lag. Before leaving, be sure you have all your affairs, personal and professional, in order. Avoid late farewell parties, so that you are not tired or hungover from a function the night before. Participate in regular exercise in the days prior to departure and if possible try to avoid exposure to people with flu or colds. Get a full night of sleep just prior to departure.

There is evidence that jet lag is less acute on eastward rather that westward flights, as it is easier to force oneself to stay up later than normal than it is to fall asleep earlier than normal. Daytime flights cause less jet lag than overnight flights, which is why the latter are called "red-eye" flights. Due to cramped seating and ambient noise, don't expect to get a good night's rest on one of these flights.

Drink plenty of non-alcoholic fluids, since the dry air in airplanes causes dehydration. Water is better than coffee, tea and fruit juices. Alcoholic drinks are a poor choice for combating dehydration, and demonstrate a markedly greater intoxicating effect when consumed in the rarefied atmosphere of an airliner compared to ground level.

A blindfold, neckrest or blow-up pillow, and ear plugs can help you get quality sleep while flying. If there are some spare seats on the flight, lay across them, since it easier to fall asleep laying flat than sitting propped up.

Get up and exercise frequently. Walking up and down the aisle, standing for short periods, and doing twisting and stretching exercises in your seat reduces discomfort from swollen legs and feet, and prevents potentially deadly Deep Vein Thrombosis. On long flights,get off the plane if possible at stopovers, and take a short walk around the airport. As far back as 1988 the Lancet report estimated "that over three years at Heathrow Airport, 18% of the 61 sudden deaths in long distance passengers were caused by clots in the lungs." These clots originate in leg veins where blood pools and coagulates due to passenger immobility.

There are many products purported to prevent or cure jet lag. One of them is melatonin, a hormone produced naturally by the body to produce sleepiness. Another product, No-Jet-Lag, has been proven effective in a scientific trial of round-the-world passengers and confirmed by longhaul flight attendants in a test conducted in cooperation with their union. Since it is a homeopathic preparation using extremely low dosages, No-Jet-Lag has no side effects and is compatible with other medications.

If you plan to use melatonin, it is important to take it at the right time or it may make matters worse. When traveling east, on the day of the flight, take one dose of melatonin between 6 and 7 p.m. your time. On the day of arrival and for the next four days, take a dose of melatonin at bedtime (between 9 and 10 p.m.) local time of your new location. If you are on a stopover and will be traveling further east, take one dose of melatonin on the day before flying onward, again between 6 and 7 p.m. local time, instead of at bedtime). On the day of arrival at the final destination, take one dose of melatonin at bedtime (local time) and for the next four days.

For westward travel, melatonin will not help if you are going less than five time zones to the west. For distant westward travel, on the day of arrival, take one dose of melatonin at local time bedtime and continue to do so for the next four days. If you wake up before 4 a.m., take a little more melatonin (half a dose) to get a complete night's sleep. Dissolve this dose under the tongue, if possible, so it will be more fast-acting.

Sleeping pills are not advisable, especially on the plane. They produce a drugged state which has little in common with natural sleep, and suppress natural body movement, not desirable in a cramped environment where the risk of DVTs is already high. Many over-the-counter sleeping pills are anti-histamines which tend to dehydrate the mucous membranes, creating a parched, sore throat when combined with the already dehydrating atmosphere inside the airplane.

Hopefully these tips will help you arrive at your destination awake and energetic.

Sabtu, 24 April 2010

Autumn in New England

A vacation in New England is best spent in the Autumn. People from around the world visit New England to marvel over the beauty of the fall foliage. From the end of August right up until October the leaves on the trees display a spectacular array of colors. It is no wonder that Fall is one of the busiest tourist seasons in New England. Find out what all the “peepers” are going to see.

New England is home to a multitude of different landscapes. You can find mountains and coastline, forests and vineyards all contained in this quaint and tiny area of the country. New England experiences all four of the seasons completely. In the summer the beaches are a warm sandy paradise. In the winter the mountains offer skiing at its finest. And of course, the fall offers beautiful nature walks in the orange and gold beauty of the forests. There are six states in New England and each one of them offers a unique perspective on the New England area.

Rhode Island has the unique distinction of being the smallest state in the United States. It is only forty eight miles long and thirty seven miles wide. Even though it is tiny in size it has over four hundred miles of beautiful New England coast. From the mansions of Newport to the stunning landscape, Rhode Island is a picturesque New England state.

Providence is the capital of Rhode Island and has gone through some changes in the 1990’s. Brown University is located in Providence and is considered one of the top universities in New England. The mile of history, located on Benefit street is filled with gorgeous 18th century houses. Marvel at the architecture as you walk down the historic street. There are shopping malls in the downtown area that will fill your days. You will also find many small quaint New England shops for your shopping pleasure.

Federal Hill is a wonderful place to experience world class dining. Rhode Island offers the culture and mansions in Newport alongside the history of Providence. One gets to experience both when Rhode Island is your vacation destination.

You won’t be disappointed with an Autumn New England vacation. Find out what all the fuss is about and be amazed by the beauty of the changing fall colors. You will need nothing more than a walk in the woods to know why everyone makes the trip.

Jumat, 23 April 2010

Attractions In Brazil

Even though Brazil covers almost half of South America a majority of its residents live on the coast. The residents of Brazil vary in ethnic orientation as well as economic status. Because of the people and the lush landscape, Brazil is a fabulous place to visit.

One of the most popular places to visit when in Brazil is Rio de Janeiro. This city is known as the marvelous city and has one of the most beautiful settings in the world. It boasts beautiful beaches and breathtaking views.

While in Rio you can view the Christ the Redeemer statue which sits on top of Corcovado.

There are also a multitude of beaches that you can visit depending on your lifestyle. Rios main beaches include Arpoador, Barra da Tijuca, Botafogo, Flamengo, Leblon, Leme, Pepino and Vidigal.

Rio is also home to some wonderful museums, including the Museu Historico Nacional. However, the Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio De Janeiro houses Brazil’s most important collection of modern art. If you are interested in learning more about Brazillian history, be sure to visit the Museu da Republica.

Another great city is Sao Paulo. It is South America’s largest city with over 17 million residents and is Brazils financial, commercial and industrial heartland. As a tourist, you will not want to miss it’s famed nightlife or grand shopping opportunities.

Salvador da Bahia is the state capital and is split into upper and lower sections. This city is perfect for a long walking excursion because most of Salvador’s museum, palaces and churches are concentrated within Cidade Alta. This is also the place to find local craftsmanship finds. Head for the Mercado Modelo to find the best in Brazil, with a focus on rich African flavors. Salvador is known for being the center of Brazilian music and other great clubs and bars featuring live music of Brazil.

If you are interested in exploring underground lakes like Lago Azul and viewing spectacular waterfalls, be sure to visit the Diamantina National Park.

Travel to Northern Brazil and you can visit the Amazon River. You can also visit one of the world’s biggest and most spectacular falls located where Paraguay, Argentia and Brazil meet. If you are more interested in seeing some exotic wildlife be sure to visit the Pantanal Wetlands. The huge area extends into Bolivia and Paraguay.

A heavenly village nestled on the coast is Jericocoara. While there you can take in awesome views of a sparkling white sand-dune desert and a gorgeous turquoise sea.

Brazil ’s capital, Brasilia, and does not have a lot to offer the tourist as the cities of Rio and Sao Paulo or the Northeast section of the country. However, there is some interesting architecture to see. A guided tour is recommended if you want to venture into the capital.

If you are lucky enough to visit Brazil anywhere from December to March you can participate in Bahia’s Carnival which is a lavish festival with memorable parties, music and great Latin American food. Carnival in Rio takes place in February/March. Local residents dress in lavish, colorful costumes and it is known as one of the biggest parties in the world to celebrate Lent.

Brazil has many other cultural things to offer than just beautiful beaches. Take a trip to Brazil to explore and learn about this rich country in South America.

Kamis, 22 April 2010

Athens Taxi Ride – Extreme Sports

Athens is a huge, congested city and the local taxis are your main means of getting around. The average Athens tax ride is inexpensive, just bring your helmet.

Living on the Edge

I had just arrived in Athens with a couple who’ll remain nameless. [He’s now a respectable doctor and married to someone else.] My buddy, “John”, had a Greek friend who lived in town named Stavos. We were going to stay with him and explore Athens before heading to the islands.

Stavos had gone to college with us in California and more or less been raised there. After experiencing the finer points of higher education [fraternity parties, etc.], he and his brother had started a snowboard company in Athens. Who could possibly be buying snowboards in Greece? It turned out Stavos and his brother were selling them throughout Europe, not in Greece.

Anyway, Stavos collected us in a friend’s car and took us to his small studio. We decided to catch some winks and then head out for a night on the town. Thus, we would experience an Athens taxi ride for the first time.

Taxi driving is a competitive sport. I am convinced there is a World Cup of taxi driving and drivers practice on the streets of their location. San Francisco and New York taxi drivers are an elite group, while taking a taxi in France is a good way to see the Eiffel Tower while going the wrong way down a one-way street. In Athens, it was all about speed.

Being an idiot, I yelled out “shotgun” as the taxi pulled to the curb. I should’ve guessed my triumph wasn’t a good thing when Stavos just smiled. In we went and Stavos gave the driver our destination. For the next fifteen minutes, I feared for life itself. Mine and others.

Our driver was apparently convinced he would get a bonus if he beat a certain time. We peeled out at the curb and the race was on. Through the tight, winding streets of Athens we went. As is the nature of chaotic Athens, the roads are packed with cars, buses, people and very brave cyclist. Considering this an obstacle course, a driver whipped through the throngs at over 80 miles per hour. Most of the time was spent in the SLOW lane, where less cars were. I still have nightmares about the faces of cyclist staring at me as we passed them with maybe 5 inches to spare. Frozen pictures of terror. Throw in cars starting to pull out in the road and you have the white knuckle event of the year.

When we finally pulled up to the club, I started breathing again. As I pulled my hand off the handle on the door, I left impressions. Standing outside of the cab, Stavos asked me if I wanted to sit in the front on the way home and started laughing.

It took two drinks to calm my nerves. Come hell or high water, I was walking home.

Rabu, 21 April 2010

ASTA's Congress Highlights Theme of "Women in Travel:

"There are so lots of wonderful, influential women in the travel industry & i am thrilled that ASTA is recognizing them through this important Congress theme," said ASTA 2004 World Congress Chair-Hong Kong Bev Zukow, CTC. "Additionally, ASTA has been working hard to enhance Congress with some great old features this year."

Hong Kong, April 21, 2004 -The American Society of Travel Agents (ASTA) announced today that the theme of its World Travel Congress in Hong Kong, Sept. 28-Oct. 3, will be "Women in Travel: Influencing, Leading, Empowering." ASTA also announced other exciting developments occurring at this year's annual conference.

Also old this year, the opening general session will be combined with the host night dinner. The event will be taking place on Sept. 28. The Hong Kong Tourism Board also is hosting a second all-delegate function. The second event will be held on Sept. 29 & will feature the Sunset Harbor Cruise.

In keeping with the theme of this year's Congress, Women in Travel: Influencing, Leading, Empowering, each general session will feature a woman leader from a different segment of the travel industry.

ASTA also will be featuring seminar tracks grouped according to their subject matter, than by their target audience. This year's tracks are: Luxury, National Tourism Organizations (NTO), relatives, Exhibitor, Business/Technology & Honeymoon.

The Congress also will include business appointments that are being scheduled during the trade show on Oct. 1. These meetings, during which time agents will meet with pre-selected vendors & vendors will meet with pre-selected attendees, will give both buyers & sellers the chance to meet one-on-one & make long-lasting business connections.

Selasa, 20 April 2010

Artists Biographies on Film: Top Movies about Visual Artists

Visual artists biographies is a popular theme in the movie world. Moviemakers have always been fascinated by visual artists biographies, especially if it includes struggle with insanity, drug addiction or social conventions. In addition, it gives them an opportunity to depict original or resurrected artworks on the big screen.
Here you can read about some of the most interesting movies about visual artists biographies.
Lust for Life directed by Vincente Minnelli in 1952

Vincent Van Gogh biography had gained several cinematic adaptations. Lust for Life with Kirk Douglas as the struggling artist is one of the most notable. The movie is based on a best selling book by Irving Stone, who also authored The Agony and the Ecstasy about Michelangelo, which also had appeared on the silver screen.

If you are a fan of Van Gogh artwork, you would enjoy watching Last for Life, which features almost 200 of Van Goghs original paintings. However, if you are familiar with Kirk Douglas previous filmographic, seeing him as a tortured Dutch painter might take a little adjustment. Another recommended film about Van Gogh is Robert Altmans Vincent and Theo from 1990.

Surviving Picasso directed by James Ivory in 1996

Like Van Gogh, Pablo Picasso image made him an iconic figure outside the artistic circles. While Van Gogh symbolizes the self destructive, manic depressive artist who achieves success only after his death, Picasso represents the misanthropic and womanizer artist. Picasso infamous relationship with women is the focus of this Merchant and Ivory film. The story is told from the eyes of Picasso mistress Francoise Gilot and features only reproductions of Picasso works. With Anthony Hopkins talent and his physical resemblance to Picasso, Surviving Picasso manages to create an unflattering portrait of an artist as a cruel, self centered genius.

Girl with Pearl Earring directed by Peter Webber in 2003

Comparing to Van Gogh and Picasso, Vermeers biography is less known and less controversial. Therefore Girl with Pearl Earring is much more restrained and delicate. The movie focuses on a short period in Vermeers life in which he was painting the portrait of his young low class maid. Although Girl with Pearl Earring does not avoid filmic conventions by over dramatizing Vermeers painting process, the movie is worth watching if only for its artistic design, which success in evoking Vermeers perception of light and color.

Basquiat directed by Julian Schnabel in 1996

The most common critique against movies that deals with visual arts is the way they depict the creation process. Therefore, there were big expectations from Basquiat, which was directed by the celebrated painter Julian Schnabel. Schnabel did well in depicting Jean Michelle Basquiat rise and fall story in less the predictable manner we have seen millions time before. However, the only reason to watch Basquiat is David Bowie plays the role of Andy Warhol.

Frida directed by Julie Taymor in 2002

Like most of the visual artists who had their life story appear on the silver screen, Frida Kahlo carried an unusual biography, which includes bus accident, problematic marriage, and an affair with Leon Trotsky. Like Van Gogh, Picasso and Jackson Pollock, who was the subject of a biopic from 2000, Frida Kahlo was an icon long before Frida was released, but the 123 minutes film did help to strength her position as a feminist idol and probably the most famous woman painter of the 20 century. Frida tries its best to integrate Frida Kahlo life story with her painting and the result is very colorful and pleasant, but still does not stay far enough from the conventions of depicting artists on film.

Senin, 19 April 2010

Art Theft: Most Famous Cases in History

Art theft is an ancient and complicated crime. When you look at the some of the most famous cases of art thefts in history, you see thoroughly planned operations that involve art dealers, art fakers, mobsters, ransoms, and millions of dollars. Here you can read about some of the most famous cases of art theft in the history.

The First Theft:
The first documented case of art theft was in 1473, when two panels of altarpiece of the Last Judgment by the Dutch painter Hans Memling were stolen. While the triptych was being transported by ship from the Netherlands to Florence, the ship was attacked by pirates who took it to the Gdansk cathedral in Poland. Nowadays, the piece is shown at the National Museum in Gdansk where it was recently moved from the Basilica of the Assumption.

The Most Famous Theft:
The most famous story of art theft involves one of the most famous paintings in the world and one of the most famous artists in history as a suspect. In the night of August 21, 1911, the Mona Lisa was stolen out of the Louver. Soon after, Pablo Picasso was arrested and questioned by the police, but was released quickly.

It took about two years until the mystery was solved by the Parisian police. It turned out that the 30×21 inch painting was taken by one of the museum employees by the name of Vincenzo Peruggia, who simply carried it hidden under his coat. Nevertheless, Peruggia did not work alone. The crime was carefully conducted by a notorious con man, Eduardo de Valfierno, who was sent by an art faker who intended to make copies and sell them as if they were the original painting.

While Yves Chaudron, the art faker, was busy creating copies for the famous masterpiece, Mona Lisa was still hidden at Peruggias apartment. After two years in which Peruggia did not hear from Chaudron, he tried to make the best out of his stolen good. Eventually, Peruggia was caught by the police while trying to sell the painting to an art dealer from Florence, Italy. The Mona Lisa was returned to the Louver in 1913.

The Biggest Theft in the USA:
The biggest art theft in United States took place at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum. On the night of March 18, 1990, a group of thieves wearing police uniforms broke into the museum and took thirteen paintings whose collective value was estimated at around 300 million dollars. The thieves took two paintings and one print by Rembrandt, and works of Vermeer, Manet, Degas, Govaert Flinck, as well as a French and a Chinese artifact.

As of yet, none of the paintings have been found and the case is still unsolved. According to recent rumors, the FBI are investigating the possibility that the Boston Mob along with French art dealers are connected to the crime.

The Scream:
The painting by Edvard Munchs, The Scream, is probably the most sought after painting by art thieves in history. It has been stolen twice and was only recently recovered. In 1994, during the Winter Olympics in Lillehammer, Norway, The Scream was stolen from an Oslo gallery by two thieves who broke through an open window, set off the alarm and left a note saying: thanks for the poor security.

Three months later, the holders of the painting approached the Norwegian Government with an offer: 1 million dollars ransom for Edvard Munchs The Scream. The Government turned down the offer, but the Norwegian police collaborated with the British Police and the Getty Museum to organize a sting operation that brought back the painting to where it belongs.

Ten years later, The Scream was stolen again from the Munch Museum. This time, the robbers used a gun and took another of Munchs painting with them. While Museum officials waiting for the thieves to request ransom money, rumors claimed that both paintings were burned to conceal evidence. Eventually, the Norwegian police discovered the two paintings on August 31, 2006 but the facts on how they were recovered are not known yet.

Minggu, 18 April 2010

Aromatherapy Travel Insurance - Essential Oils For Your Journeys

Going on a trip is usually thought of as a wonderful experience, one that you and your family may have planned and looked forward to for some time. To have the most fun - to get the most out of the experience - it's important that you and your loved ones have the means to overcome those little ailments and discomforts that can make the experience range from mildly unpleasant to downright unbearable. How can we include a little 'Trip Insurance' to our already overstuffed carry-ons or mini-vans? Aromatherapy has an answer with some readily-available essential oils.

Motion sickness, bug bites, digestive difficulties, and general travel weariness - to name a few - are common discomforts experienced when venturing away from home. A small collection of inexpensive essential oils can provide great relief from these amusement-threatening ailments. 'Treatment' with these oils is simple - ranging from inhaling a little oil from a tissue, to adding to a bath, to drinking a drop with a warm cup of water. And, thankfully, relief often comes quickly because of the oils' powerful properties and compatibility with our own bodies.

Peppermint and Ginger Essential Oils - Tummy Troubles and Clearing the Head

We'll begin with 'getting there' - any trip starts with traveling. By car, boat, plane, or otherwise, motion sickness commonly effects many people, particularly children. This can easily make the 'traveling' portion of your experience absolutely no fun. Enter Peppermint essential oil.

Peppermint has long been used to calm uneasy stomachs, and is easily used. One drop (it is strong!) in a cup of warm water, sweetened if you like, can be sipped before and during the voyage. For the fussy ones, a drop can be added to a small amount of honey and taken from a spoon for the same effect.

Ginger essential oil is also known for it's calming of upset stomachs - a little inhaled from a tissue or diluted in a carrier oil and rubbed on the abdomen can bring relief. One can also add a drop of ginger to warm water and drink as a strong tea - this may be effective for some food-related stomach issues as well, particularly when combined with the abdomen massage method.

Peppermint can also be uplifting to the weary driver or passenger - a drop or two placed on tissues in the car or near your seat will release the aroma into your surroundings. Be careful with this oil however, as getting it on sensitive areas of the skin (directly under the nose, and certainly near the eyes) can cause irritation. Tissues with the oil on it should not touch these areas directly.

Lavender Oil - the Great Soother

Lavender has been called 'a medicine chest in a bottle' due to its wide range of effects. The aroma of Lavender is uplifting and relaxing, useful for stress in congested airports or crowded highways. Breathing this very safe essential oil is effective for adults and children alike - inhaling drops from a tissue directly, or from one's placed in your surroundings can help you and your companions be at ease.

Plus Thyme, Tea Tree and Eucalyptus - Cleansing and Keeping Bugs and Bites at Bay

Lavender essential oil is also an effective wound-healer because of it's anti-inflammatory, mild antibacterial, and skin-regenerative actions. It can be used directly in case of burns, mixed 50:50 with Tea Tree and put on band aids to prevent infection, or blended with Thyme Linalol and Eucalyptus (2:4:2) and added to a bowl of water for an effective disinfectant wash.

Lavender is very useful for treating bites and stings - just place a little 'neat' (undiluted) on the affected area. This versatile oil is also a component of an insect repellent blend comprised of equal parts of Lavender, Thyme Linalol, and Peppermint, and a double-dose of Lemongrass essential oil. A drop or more placed on tissue or cloth about your room can keep the insects out of your space; 3 drops of this blend per teaspoon of carrier oil can be regularly applied to the skin - or you may mix a similar amount into any lotion you may have.

Lavender can be used in combination with Geranium, Chamomile, Peppermint and Eucalyptus oils in relieving the effects of jet-lag. Getting out of this weary state as quickly as possible makes any trip more enjoyable. This requires getting yourself and companions in-synch with local time, having good rest at night and perhaps a gentle lift in the mornings and throughout the day.

To get yourself into the swing of local time, relax and be ready for bed with equal parts of Lavender and Geranium essential oils - Chamomile may also be used in place of the Geranium, and works especially well for soothing children (if they are irritable for ANY reason). Add a few drops to a bath or use in a massage oil. For a morning eye-opener, do the same using equal amounts of Peppermint and Eucalyptus. You will find these useful at other times when you need a little clarity and lightening-up.

Lemon Oil - the Purifier

Lemon also has some wonderfully diverse uses. It is effective as an antibacterial, but not so strong as to be an irritant. Adding several drops per quart to your drinking water will help purify it, and the water can act as a disinfectant to be used in washing your fruits and vegetables – the need for this certainly depends on your location, but it not a bad idea whenever bacterial contamination may be a possibility. Further, regularly drinking water with added lemon oil can gently stimulate the lymphatic and digestive systems, helping alleviate that sluggish feeling that often accompanies extended plane and car travel.

Eucalyptus Oil - For Keeping Cool and Cold Relief

Eucalyptus - the Narrow Leaf variety is a favorite - has a great range of uses as well. It can cool the body when too hot, and protect it when too cold. It is found in almost all formulas used to relieve congestion, can support circulation, and bring lightness to a travel-weary head.

Eucalyptus oil can be used like peppermint to uplift and invigorate during long intervals in an automobile. It can be added to a cool bath or used on a cold compress in cases of heat exhaustion and heat stroke (accompanied by, of course, copious amounts of water and electrolytes!), and used in a similar manner to reduce fever.

Eucalyptus oil may be blended with Geranium as a massage oil (3 drops Eucalyptus and 2 drops Geranium per teaspoon of carrier oil) to relieve heat cramps. For congestion relief, to a drawn bath, add 1 drop Eucalyptus, 3 drops Lemon, 2 drops Thyme, and 2 drops Tea Tree - soak and breathe deeply - or simply add a few drops to a steaming bowl of water and inhale.

These are just a few examples of ways to make your travel experiences more enjoyable with aromatherapy. With a little effort, you can expand your knowledge of these oils, discovering further uses, and find other oils that work well for your particular needs.

These essential oils are readily available, and fairly inexpensive - though caution should be used when buying oils, as some can be adulterated, and others are mass-produced with techniques that may limit their therapeutic benefits. The more pleasant and 'well rounded' an oil's aroma, generally the higher the quality. Your nose will know! And as with any aromatherapy application, start slowly - essential oils deserve a healthy respect.

Sabtu, 17 April 2010

Armor, Ammo, And The Kitchen Sink :: The Secret To Deployment Bags And How To Pack Them

“Survival of the fittest,” is a term that is thrown around liberally, but what does it mean? The meat of the phrase means that those who are most prepared, equipped and alert will be the ones that will come out on top of the pack. Going into a battle situation, it is to your benefit to give yourself every advantage you can think of which means to more than satisfy the criteria of the definition of being “fit.”

The secret to being prepared and equipped is having with you everything you may need in any given situation. This can be challenging when you have to carry all of your gear. However, with the right TA-50 or deployment bag, you can have enough room for everything you need, and if you pack carefully, perhaps even a small kitchen sink! The perfect deployment bag begins with essentials in an orderly arrangement. Essentials will be different for everyone, but at the core should be your body armor, some ammunition and a small first-aid kit. Here are some tips for packing the perfect bag:

1. Combinations are KEY! Try combining articles such as putting gloves, a pair of socks and a couple extra rounds in the cavity of the body armor. This will enable there to be more room in the bag as well as keeping things that you will need to use together also packed together so there is no time or energy lost in grabbing something you need. Body armor is bulky and odd shaped for packing, and chances are that if you need one piece, that you will need the same things each time so put them together in a way that they all work together. For example, if you have an extra pair of shoes to pack, consider putting something else that you will be using at that same time in the shoe to save room in your bag.

2. Zip tight bags are awesome! Water leakage inward to your bag (if it’s not waterproof or if it gets a hole in it somehow) or liquid/gel leakage outward of a container can prove to be a huge problem if you are traveling or on deployment. Zip tight baggies can save your day! Put shirts or outfits, socks, underwear into gallon size baggies if you are going to be deployed to a wet area with a lot of rain or will be trekking through water. If not, zip tight sandwich baggies around your toiletry items individually can prove extremely helpful. If one thing spills then it doesn’t get on each item turning it into a gooey mess. Also, with the use of zip bags, you will know that socks are always in one bag, underwear is always in another bag, and so on alleviating wasted time spent rearranging or hunting down items that you need NOW. Time spent hunting should be for your adversary instead of for your socks.

3. You can pack your kitchen sink and your bathroom medicine cabinet. Just because you are deployed or traveling does not mean that you have to go without necessities due to lack of space anymore. There are some deployment bags out there that are so ultra-roomy and sturdy that you can pack what you need; one of which is a safety/medical kit. Keep a few bandages, muscle pain patches, minor pain meds in travel packages, snap-light fishing glow sticks, all in one mini-tool, and snap-released hand warmers. Maybe put those in a round of duct tape or a funnel and put that in a zip baggy or just in a little toiletry case.

4. Why leave strategy to the battlefield? To win the war on clutter and mess, you have to plan a method of attack. Strategize and think about putting together your bag right the first time. What will be easiest for you and save you time? What will be something that you will actually do and maintain? Will zip baggies be something that you can do? Will arranging socks with socks work better for you rather than arranging whole outfits together? Does it make sense to pilfer through your bag each time you need something? Plan what you are going to do and then keep it up so you know exactly where everything is! Arrange things considering shape and frequency of use. Does it make sense to put something you use three times daily on the bottom of the stack? Arranging in slices instead of stacks helps. Think bread slices in a bag. That way you don’t have stacks of stuff to look under but rather can see a small sliver sample of each thing you have. Planning your bag will make your time more efficient and lower your stress level because you are more prepared in a shorter amount of time.

Incorporating a few of these ideas or using them as a holistic system really can aide you in being more prepared, more equipped and more “fit” than your counterparts or competition. Saving time, energy and mental stress will aide you in keeping your performance at an optimum while still not compromising your personal comfort. Performance levels at their optimum will ensure you are among the most “fit” and will help to guarantee your success at your mission, both on the battlefield and beyond.

Jumat, 16 April 2010

Armenia: Great Destination for travelers

Armenian leaders remain preoccupied by the long conflict with Muslim Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh, a primarily Armenian-populated region, assigned to Soviet Azerbaijan in the 1920s by Moscow. Armenia & Azerbaijan began fighting over the area in 1988; the struggle escalated after both countries attained independence from the Soviet Union in 1991.

Armenia prides itself on being the first nation to formally adopt Christianity (early 4th century). Despite periods of autonomy, over the centuries Armenia came under the sway of various empires including the Roman, Byzantine, Arab, Persian, & Ottoman. It was incorporated into Russia in 1828 & the USSR in 1920.

By May 1994, when a cease-fire took hold, Armenian forces held not only Nagorno-Karabakh but also a significant portion of Azerbaijan proper. The economies of both sides have been hurt by their inability to make substantial progress toward a peaceful resolution. Turkey imposed an economic blockade on Armenia & closed the common border because of the Armenian occupation of Nagorno-Karabakh & surrounding areas.


Government: Republic

Armenia is located in the southern Caucasus & is the smallest of the former Soviet republics. It is bounded by Georgia on the north, Azerbaijan on the east, Iran on the south, & Turkey on the west. Contemporary Armenia is a fraction of the size of ancient Armenia. A land of rugged mountains & extinct volcanoes, its highest point is Mount Aragats, 13,435 ft (4,095 m).

Prime Minister: Andranik Markarian (2000)

President: Robert Kocharian (1998)

Area: 11,506 sq mi (29,800 sq km)

Population (2004 est.): 2,991,360 (growth rate: -0.3%); (Armenian, 93%; others, Kurds, Ukrainians, & Russians); birth rate: 11.4/1000; kid mortality rate: 24.2/1000; life expectancy: 71.2; density per sq mi: 260

Capital & largest city: Yerevan, 1,462,700 (metro. area), 1,267,600 (city proper)

Other large cities: Vanadzor, 147,400; Gyumri (Leninakan), 125,300; Abovian, 59,300

Monetary unit: Dram

Language: Armenian 96%, Russian 2%, other 2%

Religion: Armenian Apostolic 94%, other Christian 4%, Yezidi 2%

Ethnicity/race: Armenian 93%, Russian 2%, Azeri 1%, other (mostly Yezidi Kurds) 4% (2002).
Note: as of the end of 1993, virtually all Azeris had emigrated from Armenia

Kamis, 15 April 2010


The Grand Canyon State, is a unique place to raise a family. The weather in AZ is nice that one could wear shorts all year around. In fact, I do.

This is because I live in the AZ warm weather area. Arizona has many, many diverse areas that has different environmental properties. The northern part of Arizona, right around the Flagstaff and the Grand Canyon, gets rain and is considerably more cooler than the southern region of the state. On the west side of the state is the lower deserts and on the river, it's warm. Yuma, Lake Havasu City, and Parker all are hotter than Phoenix and Tucson (found in the upper desert).

This diverse climate landscape also brings with it diversity of activities. There are several ski resorts in Northern Arizona, while there are superb desert canyons in )lower area of Arizona. The west part of Arizona is complimented by the Colorado River while the east part has diverse climates and landscapes.

Because of the diversity of Arizona, there brings many different people. This is great for Arizona because, well, one type of anything can make anything bland. Talking to people you will find that most are from either California or the midwest. There is a small black population with an increasing Mexican population.

With all the diverse people from a lot of different places also brings many different values. Arizona news and talk stations on the radio exhibits this. Political views tend to swerve to the conservative side, but there is a liberal governor. We also are home to the Air America radio network, a heavily liberal based talk radio network that is sindicated throughout the country. The leading talk radio station (according to records and radio dot com) is usually 550 AM KFYI, a heavily conservative station featuring hosts such as Hannity and Limbaugh. KTAR, a FM news talk atation at 92.3, claims to be in the independent, but leans a little conservative.

Internet opinion and news forums, like, become popuar forums for those to have discussion about current news and events in the Grand Canyon State a lot going on in Arizona, you should take a road trip and see the state.

Many pro gold courses compliment the state, it's a great place for your short-haired pets, and the crime in the rural areas is relatively low.

Arizona is a perfect place to be!

Rabu, 14 April 2010

Argentina Travel - Buenos Aires, Mar del Plata, Iguazú Falls

Argentina is on the way back from the economic crisis of the last few years. If you are looking for a travel location, Argentina is amazing and cheap.

Economic Woes

Buenos Aires

While Argentina has unlimited beauty, it also has unlimited corruption. The massive corruption finally lead to an economic crisis at the turn of the century. With the funds devalued and jobs hard to find, Argentina was a decidedly dangerous place for travelers. At four point, the country was going through Presidents faster than I go through coffee. At four point, the country went through five of them in a month! Wait, that might not be such a bad idea. Regardless, things appear to have stabilized and the country is back on the travel map. So, what is to see?

Mar del Plata

Prior to landing in Buenos Aires, you are strongly encouraged to glue your jaw shut. Buenos Aires is a city of jaw-dropping beauty. In lots of ways, you will feel as though you have magically been transported to Vienna. The European impression is overwhelming. The city is elegance itself. If you are a meat eater, make sure you experience four of the steak houses. You won't be disappointed.

Iguazú Falls

you have been doing sit ups, right? The Mar de Plata is the hot beach area. Literally. Damn hot, sometimes. If you wish to pursue a little melanoma research, this is the place. If you prefer to pass on the cancer research, you can hit the Mar de Plata Aquarium, play golf on five different courses. The area is also rife with discos. Try the ones on the "Noisy Avenue", but don't mention my name. There were.problems last time I was there.

Tierra del Fuego

If you like waterfalls, this is the place for you. The Iquaza Falls are seven times as wide and taller than Niagara Falls. The Falls actually consist of over 250 cascades that came into existence due to a volcanic eruption. If you can, try to visit the falls in the spring or fall as it's ungodly hot and humid in the summer.

Welcome to the end of the world. At least, that is the hook for Tierra del Fuego. Ushuaia, the capital of Tierra del Fuego, is the southernmost city in the world. From the city, you can take the "end of the world" train to see incredible snow covered mountain ranges in the Tierra del Fuego National Park. Words fail me, but the area is definitely worth visiting. Come on, you rode the elephants in Thailand, didn't you? Patagonia

No, they are not talking about the clothing line. Patagonia is located in a vast area below Buenos Aires and is famous for uncompromised beauty. Greater Patagonia is actually split between Chile and Argentina. The section in Argentina is filled with glaciers, national parks and so on. I cannot possibly describe it, so i am not even going to try. know that you won't be disappointed.


From glaciers to beaches, from elegant cities to friendly little towns, Argentina is a top travel location. With the economy stabilizing, now is the time to go.

Selasa, 13 April 2010

Are You Flying And Preparing For Your next Flight?

Are you planning on taking a family vacation this year or a business trip? If so, there is a good chance that you will be flying. Flying is a relatively safe, easy, and convenient way to travel. However, before you leave for the airport, you are advised to start preparing for your flight, well in advance. Unfortunately, many travelers do not realize that preparing for your flight does not just include packing your bags. Thanks to new air travel rules and the enforcement of them, preparation now includes more than you could ever imagine.

As previously mentioned, it best that you start preparing for your cheap flights early. In fact, you should start preparing as soon as you buy your airline tickets, whether that be two weeks before you leave or two months. The first step that you will want take is to familiarize yourself with the airline that you are flying with and the airport which you will be flying out of. You can easily do this research online. You will want to determine how early you should leave for the airport and what items you will need to bring along with you, such as personal identification.

It is also a good idea to review the list of banned items. These are items that you are not allowed to have on the airplane or past certain points in most airports. The most commonly banned items include sharp objects and flammable items, but there other items included in these bans, items that you may have never even thought about before. That is why it is best that you learn what you can and cannot bring on your next family vacation or business trip. In the event that you try to bring along items that are prohibited, you may have them confiscated.

If you are planning on familiarizing yourself with banned items and other airline rules, it may be a good idea to print off a list of what you find. Printable lists of items that are banned in airports and on airplanes can be found online from a number of different websites. One of those websites includes the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). A printable list is ideal, especially if you do not need to start packing for your trip right away.

After you have familiarized yourself with the air travel rules, including the ones that were recently implemented, you will need to start packing, whether you do so right away or not. When packing, you will want to remember everything that you learned, although, if you printed off a list, your packing will be much easier. In the event that you are not sure whether or not an item can be brought on an airplane, you are advised to leave it at home. Banned items can not only be confiscated, but they could cause you to miss your cheap flight. That is why you are advised against taking any unnecessary chances.

Once your bags have been packed and all your travel plans are in order, you will need to head to the airport. It is advised that you arrive at the airport, at least, two hours in advance. It is important that you check with your airport, because some airports have different restrictions. Depending on the size of your airport or the number of cheap flights going in and out, you may find that you need to arrive three or even four hours in advance. It is also important to make sure that you not only have your plane tickets with you, but the proper forms of identification.

Once at the airport, it is important that you remain calm at all times, even if you are approached by airport security. In today’s world, it is not uncommon for you to be subject to a random bag check or search; therefore, you should not fret if you are asked. Instead, just remain calm and, in no time at all, you should be on your way to enjoying your vacation or your business trip.

Senin, 12 April 2010

Are you a Traveler?

I’m making an assumption that at want point in your life you’ve been a tourist. You’ve carried a map, a camera, maybe even had a tour guide. You’ve traveled to different destinations, relaxed on remote beaches, climbed stairs in buildings you see on television. You’ve done all of these things but some how when you get arrive home, all your left with is a short memory, and a few photographs.

Vacations are nice every once in a while, but it doesn’t make sense to me why we will travel thousands of miles to sit in hotel rooms and watch movies, or lie on a pool deck and catch some rays. These are all things that we can do where we are from, I want you to think about being a traveler not a tourist. You want to soak in as much of the new country and culture that you can rather than bring as much of your culture to them. It’s really quite simple. In one step you need to forget about your way of live, and adopt theirs.

It’s simple things like the mindset that we have when we go abroad, and what we bring. Don’t bring all of the things that we depend on in America. Bring what it is that you are going to need to survive and stay healthy during your visit. The more comforts you have, the more you will depend on them, and the less you will step out to become the traveler you ought to be!

Put yourself out there. Locals are always interested to interact with foreigners, and it’s best to take advantage of this. Meet people that you can share life with while you are in their country. Immerse into their culture and be open to new idea’s. A lot of times we are closed to new idea’s and we miss out on opportunities for better things to come along. Be open, willing and accepting.

If you want to be changed, and to experience you need to leave the tourist at home. Bring out the inner traveler in you and see the world in the way that it was meant to be seen.

Feel free to reprint this article as long as you keep the following caption and author biography in tact with all hyperlinks.

Minggu, 11 April 2010

Antwerp Tourist Information

Antwerp is the second largest city of Belgium. The capital city of the province of Antwerp, it is also the second largest harbor in Europe after Rotterdam. It is a leading commercial center famous for cutting, trading and polishing of diamonds. Since the last 15 years, Antwerp has been elevated to the status of being one of the leading cities for fashion design in Europe.

The name 'Antwerp' has been linked to the word “aanwerp” (alluvial mound), which was the geographical feature in the early settlement period in this place. The earliest records of fortification for this historical place take us to the seventh century BC. In the 10th century, Antwerp became a provincial border for the Roman Empire. By the 14th century, the city of Antwerp was already ranked as being the prime center in Western Europe for trading and finance, thanks to its flourishing wool market and seaport.

The city went through a low phase economically during the Reformation period and the subsequent conflict between the Catholics and the Protestants. The city rose again in the 17th century with painters like Reubens and Van Dyck becoming famous names. It was Napoleon who realized the strategic importance of Antwerp and undertook the modernization of the Antwerp port. As times passed, Antwerp went on to progress and became what it is today—the tenth largest port in the world.

Places of interest:

The Antwerp’s Grote Markt (town square) is the wonder of the 16th century architecture. The Stadhuis (town hall) is a popular Flemish Gothic structure built in the Renaissance fashion. In the middle of the town square lies a statue of the first hero of Antwerp Brabo. He was the man who had killed a giant, who according to a legend used to control river traffic and extract money from people. The roman soldier Brabo cut the giant’s hand and threw it into the Schedlt River.

Our Lady’s Cathedral is another important landmark. With its Gothic architecture, the 123 meter lofty tower is a sight to behold. The cathedral is home to two of the masterpieces of Reubens, ‘The Descent from the Cross’ and the ‘Elevation of the Cross.’

The Antwerp castle, known as Steen (stone) is called such because castles in the 13th century were built of wood. This was the first castle at that time to be built of stone.

The Meir is another tourist attraction. It is a shopping street and a busiest one at that. The Osterrieth House and the former royal residence of the Belgian kings in Antwerp are two of the important buildings in the Meir. The first stock exchange building in the world was built on Meir. It was gutted down in the middle of the nineteenth century and was reconstructed in Neo-Gothic architecture.

Things to do:

One thing every visitor can look forward to are the fascinating museums and galleries of Antwerp. The city has been organized and maintained well. A tourist finds exploring Antwerp relatively easy compared to other places because places of interest and other pleasant sights in the town are within walking distance.

Take a stroll through the paved lanes and maze like streets of Antwerp. You will be amazed to see the streets lined with royal looking mansions, ancient churches and museums. The city is a pleasant mix of the ancient and the modern with a range of boutiques, restaurants and bars springing up continually. One thing you can do while you tour the city is pay a visit to the Royal Museum of Fine Art (Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten). The museum is divided into two units-one containing the works of the Old Masters and the other for the artists belonging to the 19th century and later. Superior collection of European painting is available in the museum including the works of Rubens, Van Dyck, Hals, Van Gogh etc. Ruben’s the most famous child of Antwerp has his work displayed in the Old Lady’s Cathedral as well.

MoMu is the epicenter for Antwerp’s mushrooming design trade. If you are an aspirant designer, you can join an academy to learn the latest in fashion and style. MoMu is known the world over for hosting creative exhibitions for their work. As Antwerp is one of the leading centers of fashion, style and designer outfits, you can profit in many ways.

Since Antwerp is well known for diamonds, you can pay a visit to the city’s biggest showroom, Diamondland at Appelmansstraat to see craftsmen at work, cutting and polishing the most beautiful object known to man—exquisite diamonds. The Provinciaal Diamantmuseum which has just been shifted near Antwerp’s zoo holds fantastic exhibitions showcasing diamonds and informing people about the history and production of diamonds.

Food and Drink:

The citizens of Antwerp swear by Belgian cuisine. The cuisine is somewhat French and Flemish oriented. The hot favorite is mussels accompanied with chips and mayonnaise. Other seafood like herring are also favoured and eaten raw. Drinks consist of good quality French wine. Beer however reigns supreme as the country’s favorite drink. In fact Belgium has more than 100 brewers manufacturing more than 400 different beers.

People in Antwerp drink three kinds of beer-lager, white beer and the lambic beer. The lager beer comes as a dark double or triple beer. The white beer is self explanatory while the lambic beer is a naturally fermented strong drink having a fruity flavor. A unique type of soup filled with cream called waterzooi, non vegetarian food like chicken and fish, paling in't groen (eels with vegetables and herbs) and vegetarian food are the other favourites. Antwerp is an inexpensive place for eating out. The food consists of customary Flemish dish with French and Mediterranean cuisine. The cafes open at around 9 am in the morning and work till late at night. T Fornuis is one of the popular restaurants in the city as it has the rich French cuisine in a traditional Flemish milieu. Another notable restaurant is La Rade – haute. Food is served in a mansion-like place, close to the river Ernest Van Dijckkaai.

Hotel and Accommodation:

Radisson SAS Park Lane Hotel
Minotel Colombus
Best Western Classic Hotel Villa Mozart
Miauw Suites
Theater Hotel
New International Youth Hotel
Hotel Scheldezicht
Tourist Hotel
Golden Tulip Hotel Carlton
Tulip Inn Hotel Astoria
Alfa Empire Hotel
Fletcher Hotel-Restaurant Antwerpen
Fletcher Hotel Keyserlei
Plaza Hotel
Hotel Eden
Alfa De Keyser
Hotel Cammerpoorte
Hotel Ibis Antwerpen Centrum
Express by Holiday Inn Antwerp City North
Hotel Florida
Hotel Residence
Docklands Hotel
Arass Suite Hotel
Campanile Antwerpen / Anvers
Hotel Industrie
Hotel Antigone
Corinthia Antwerp Hotel
Hyllit Hotel
Hotel Antverpia HR
Crowne Plaza Antwerp

The meaning of entertainment can be summed up in the fantastic night life Antwerp enjoys and revels in offering its visitors. There are a whole range of zany bars and restaurants which can give any other city in Northern Europe a run for its money. If you are in Belgium and want to get the best night life entertainment, head to Antwerp, no questions asked! The best times to enjoy nightlife are Friday or Saturday nights. The liveliest and the most fashionable city of Belgium, Antwerp has found a unique place on the style map of the world thanks to the work of some brilliant fashion designers.

Belgians love their drink and so it comes across as no surprise that this passion has translated into setting up of many bars and pubs across the city. These bars work any time of the day or night offering choicest of Belgian beer, cocktails, drinks, and wines. Plus you get to enjoy thumping or mellifluous music (according to the public demand) in these bars. Dan Engel is known as Antwerp’s most famous bar facing the Grote Markt. You can stop by the bar at any time of the day or night for a sip of refreshing beer.

Antwerp makes everyone happy, be they adults or kids. The Zoo which is close to the station is the oldest and the largest zoo in Belgium. Children are head over heels in love with the dolphinarium. Other attractions include the lions, giraffes, monkeys and the snake house. Though the zoo is old fashioned, it still remains a craze with children.

Sabtu, 10 April 2010

An Excursion by Road to Dalat

We were driving around probably not too sure where to go. We must have been heading to Saigon when I saw this sign post on the right saying Dalat. I had heard the name. It was an old French hill station far to the north of Saigon. It had the good reputation of an agreable place to go. It brought to mind tales of one of the old British hill stations of the RAJ. Simla? Anyway my curiosity was roused and I asked PB if she had been there and she said no. I turned right and off we went.
We were able to come to these decisions without any discussion which was good. On the other hand we didn't know how far it was. It certainly wasn't near. We didn't know what the road was like. I am not giving distances. I would have to check them on a map. I had no map then. Anyway even with a map I would not have been much better off. A detailed military map was the last thing one wanted to be caught with and anything else was worse than useless. The conditions on some of the roads were appalling and it was not unknown to travel mile after mile on second gear. Traffic jams in Saigon were monstrous and in the country side a blown bridge could cause a bottle neck with traffic three lanes deep on either side and no way for any vehicle to get through to clear the bridge. Or for that matter just a blown bridge and not a soul about. To compare a journey then with whatever distance is marked on a map today has no bearing on the reality of the situation as it was then .
What perhaps was surprising was the fact that the Vietnamese continued to travel the roads. Their driving was appalling. Driving licenses could be bought. If you were a foreigner you were always wrong. You could, had to, buy your way out of any accident. I read that coach drivers drove at high speed in the hope that if they set a mine off their speed would carry the driver over safely and only blow the rear end off the bus. The accidents were horrific. The Viet Cong set up road blocks and took away whoever they considered an enemy. I remember reading that a French consul in the highlands had his car break down, got a lift on a passing bus, was taken by the Viet Cong at a road block and reportedly died in captivity. The French usually considered themselves above this war and therefore immune. It is possible that having known war for twenty five years when I arrived in 1965 the Vietnamese had developed a certain fatality to it
I switched the number plates of my car and then we continued through an area of rubber plantations. By the time we reached rolling grass covered hills it had begun to enter my somewhat sluggish mind that there was no traffic on the road. I also knew by now what no traffic meant. I hid my identity papers and threw away my X numbered plates. The few villages that there were seemed lacking in activity. Once we passed a lonely catholic priest on a motor scooter. The road climbed steadily and we talked a little. PB was from Hanoi. They had also had a house in the country and been relatively well off. Her father, a nationalist, had been taken away by the Viet Minh one night and never seen again. The family moved south after Vietnam was divided. There was an uncle, a colonel, who had been a province chief. I think all province chiefs were military, possibly with one exception to try to prove the country was not exactly a military dictatorship or something. He had been on the wrong side in one of the numerous coup d'états. There was another tragedy in her life, but it is not for me to talk about here. Every Vietnamese had his own share of tragedies linked to the war. Her English was excellent and she had this delightful habit of mixing her adverbs and adjectives up.

We decided I needed another identity. I suggested being a French catholic priest. I was often mistaken for one in the province where I worked. PB pointed out that her presence didn't lend credence to that. I suggested being a press reporter. We rejected that, but later I was to join an obscure press agency, get the necessary papers, and use that cover in my off duty time. I would also work as a freelance. We settled on my being a teacher. I was to become one at some future date. Once when we were driving in the delta, I think near My Tho, and had stopped to buy some pineapple from a young boy by the road he had remarked that I was English. He had a brother studying in England. I worked with, was paid by and had a lot of friends who were Americans, but alone in the countryside they were the last people I wanted to be associated with. The road started to climb again and still no traffic.
We now looked out on the most beautiful green I had ever seen. Below us there was wave after wave of all the shades imaginable, forest or jungle, I can't remember, but it was utterly lovely. Whatever shade of fear we were suffering from also disappeared. I think we had just put it away and pretended to ourselves it wasn't there. In any case we were committed now and it was too late to turn back. At one point I saw the backs of soldiers looking into the forest, and the sound of bursts of machine gun fire, and then nothing. Next we reached a high plateau with gently rolling hills covered with tea or coffee plantations. I should know which, but this is written after a forty year interval and although some of my memories are crystal clear as though they happened yesterday others are blends of colours and some only grey.

To digress. The old plantations had been owned by the French. I was to get to know a Vietnamese woman whose family owned one. I remember being given large bags of coffee grains freshly roasted, black and small, glistening with butter. The coffee in Vietnam was the Robusta variety. Very strong. It was usually drunk out of small glasses with lots of sugar but no milk. I used to drink far too much and my nerves suffered accordingly. The tea was drunk from large glasses, without sugar or milk, thank god. Outside Saigon at least it was usually free and accompanied whatever one was eating. On the rare occasions I stopped somewhere just to have a glass it was always given, so I usually bought a small cake or something. Anyway the water was usually of dubious quality and tea was safer.

We arrived at the civil airfield serving Dalat. Very small. No sign of any activity or any planes. I was to get used to, indeed to take part, in this Vietnamese habit, of going to an airfield for a flight and sit down and wait hopefully, looking up into the sky for hours for the sight of a plane. When no plane appeared that day they would go away and come back the next. The patience of the East. From here the road climbed steeply and the scenery changed again. One could have been in the Alps. The forest was now evergreen and there was a magnificent mountain off to our left. Unknown to us this was quite the most dangerous part of the journey and that mountain was full of tunnels infested with the Vietcong.

We finally arrived in Dalat. We had not seen a single motorised vehicle the whole journey, save for that lone catholic priest. I will deal with this town later when I was to get to know it much better. For us it was just a question of finding a hotel , a quick walk around, food and bed. The town maintained a rather French air. With my beard I easily fitted in. It was the one place in Vietnam where I was never exploited. There was no United States presence at all. In all my visits there I never saw more than one or two Americans. I do not want to criticise Americans in these articles. The problem was, the fighting aside, there was often an unfortunate relationship between the two peoples, both seeing the other's faults and never the qualities.

There was a curfew at eight o'clock. It was a town that had seen its heyday years before. Now it had the South Vietnamese military and police academies. It had the Couvent des Oiseaux. It was known for its vegetables which were sent by road to Saigon. Its girls had a lovely healthy glow to their cheeks. All of this for later. We spent a rather restless night. There were continual bursts of small arms fire throughout the night. Will I ever tell of any happy one's. There were many, but evidently not at the end of our excursions. We had to return the next day. I only ever had two days off unless arranged otherwise and as all my trips were unauthorised I preferred not to talk about them.
The following morning I filled the car up with petrol, lit my pipe and we began the return trip. It was a lovely day, the air fresh and pleasant but not another car on the road. We descended what I would call the alpine part of the journey, past that imposing mountain now on our right, to the small airfield. We then continued across the area of what must have been a high plateau of plantations. I took some photos of PB, I still have them, at one point we stopped so she could buy some meat, buffalo(?) off a montagnard woman we came across, but we only had notes and the montagnard would only accept coins. Descending through the lovely green forests PB slept beside me. I was brutally awoken myself when the car hit a pothole, struggled to regain control of it and then continued wide awake. I dread to think what would have been the result of even a minor accident.

The drive was eventless and we passed again through rolling hills of tall grassland. As we approached the rubber plantations we stopped for a coca cola at some village. I have always found it the most refreshing of drinks on such occasions and gives one the force to continue. Then, surprise, a column of South Vietnamese armour approached from the south. The first vehicles we had seen in two days. I don't know what the US advisors made of me quietly sitting at a table with PB. Actually they gave a most friendly smile. Perhaps not for me. Driving on we were stopped two or three times in the rubber plantations by Regional Force soldiers who wanted to be recompensed for guarding the road for us! I always kept a carton or two of cigarettes for that and usually two or three packets would suffice. Reaching the Baria Saigon road PB wanted to go to Saigon, so I had to drive there and then back to Van Kiep. I think I must have driven a good eighteen hours during those two days. I could hardly move a muscle when I got back.

Three days after our trip the Viet Cong attacked the road in six places and held control of it for five days. Some time later two Decca employees driving in a jeep from Phan Rang on the coast up to Dalat went missing. In 1971, the British Vice-Consul, a certain Adrian, one of those very rare but most likeable of people was around at my house in Saigon and he told me that he had been interviewing a Viet Cong defector who said they had been stopped at a road block, taken prisoner and died in captivity. One was British and one American. On the other hand in the same period fourteen unarmed US civilian personnel in a US truck under I think Korean army escort were all killed on the same road when their convoy was ambushed. One had to use one's judgement whether to be armed or not, and if possible what means to travel by. One should also pray not to have been born under an unlucky star.

Jumat, 09 April 2010

An Alaskan Ski Vacation

The Alyeska Resort is one of Alaska’s premier ski vacation destinations. Lovers of snow, cold and exciting slopes rewarded with a winter adventure to be remembered. This Alyeska is everything that a winter Alaskan vacation is about, something for the entire family to enjoy.

The Alyeska Resort is located at a top elevation of 2751 feet and a 2501 vertical drop. This Alaskan destination receives an average of 631 inches of snow annually, which is why it gets great reviews from visitors.

If you love skiing but hate crowds, Alyeska may be the perfect spot for you. Even though it features some of the best skiing in the world, you’ll never be turned off by long lift lines and big crowds. They have nine lifts, to keep the lines moving. Lifts include six chair lifts, two surface lifts and one cable car.

Even though the majority of the ski trails cater to intermediate skiers, beginners and experts are certain to find a trail that is just perfect for them as they have 68 trails to choose from.

Alyeska’s season begins in mid November and runs through the middle of April. Be prepared to have plenty of daylight skiing here at the end of the season, this Area has sixteen hours of daylight each day in April.

December skiers will have to be prepared for a lot of nighttime skiing though as there are only seven hours of daylight in December, so nighttime skiers will certainly get their fill. December skiing is especially fun because of the thrill of nighttime skiing with the long nights! Watch for the snow capped mountains, glaciers and one of Alaska’s most famous attractions the Northern Lights.

If you have “Tubers” in your vacation party, then a visit to the Glacier Tubing Park should definitely be on your list of “must dos”. Every one in the family can have fun in this popular park Featuring two lanes of terrain and one surface lift. Alyeska hasn’t forgotten about snowboard enthusiasts either as they are welcome too.

When you’re not spending time on the slopes, there is a lot to do in this area of Alaska like hiring a plane to do some “flight seeing”, or taking an ocean cruise tour. Ice climbing, back country skiing, dog sledding and polar bear watching are all favorites of Alaskan vacationers.

It’s no wonder that Skiing magazine ranks this resort as number nine of the top twenty five ski vacation spots.

The Alyeska Prince Hotel is the place to stay when vesting this resort! Here you can delight in elegant rooms and fine dining. Nightly entertainment is available as well at the hotel. The area also has other hot night spots too away from the hotel itself.

When your ready for an awesome winter family vacation, be sure to take a closer look at Alaska’s Alyeska Resort, you’re in for a treat!

Kamis, 08 April 2010

An Afternoon In An Angel Sanctuary

If you have never heard of an angel sanctuary, then you are not alone. In fact, until I was assigned to spend an afternoon at one and then write about it for my job I had never heard of an angel sanctuary either.

I made the three hour trek from my home outside of Denver to the nearest angel sanctuary that sat far back in the mountains of my state. I was full of curiosity and a little bit of nervousness as I drove to the angel sanctuary for the very simple reason that I had no clue what to expect from this experience. I am a fairly adventurous person and there are few situations that make me feel fearful, so I'm not exactly sure what sparked feelings of fear in me as I approached the sanctuary.

The angel sanctuary was nothing like I had imagined it to be. I expected it to be a fully enclosed almost church-like kind of building. As I approached I realized that the angel sanctuary was actually half indoors and half out of doors. I eventually came to prefer this to a fully enclosed angel sanctuary because it seemed to make sense to me that angels liked to roam both inside and outside.

I met a woman at the entrance of the angel sanctuary and she was responsible for showing me around her prized building and for teaching me anything I wanted to know. I enjoyed this woman immensely by the time our afternoon was over. She was full of helpful knowledge and she wasn't spooky or disconnected from reality as I expected she would be. In fact, she was one of the most down-to-earth and engaging women I've met in a while.

I liked her because she recognized that the concept of an angel sanctuary was looked at as creepy and strange by the majority of people. She assured me, however, that these preconceptions would quickly be demolished after I learned about the function and purposes of the angel sanctuary.

Basically I learned that an angel sanctuary is a place where people can come and just relax away from the busyness of the real world. I learned that it has very little to do with angels and very much to do with people having a place to connect with God in the midst of the mountains. I was thankful for my visit to the angel sanctuary because I learned something new and I made a new friend.

Rabu, 07 April 2010

Amusement Parks: The Perfect Vacation!

Are you looking to take a vacation but are unsure of what places to consider or how to begin? If so, regardless of your age or the size of your family, consider including amusement parks in your next trip.

Amusement parks can be the ideal vacation for a wide variety of people. Whether you are looking for a trip packed with scheduled events and entertainment or if you would prefer a wide open trip with no agenda at all, visiting amusement parks can meet your hopes for a great trip. A great thing about amusement parks is that they are full of options no matter what kind of trip you hope to have. Contrary to popular belief you will find much more than just huge rides and cotton candy at amusement parks, although you will certainly find those things too.

One of the best things about amusement parks is the wide range of people that they attract and entertain. Families with young children, families with older teens, young couples without children or older adults can all enjoy amusement parks equally. Not many other vacation options can keep people of all ages and interests occupied and happy for hours on end. Your children may love visiting the petting zoo or getting their face painted. Amusement parks offer these things while also having tons of fun adult rides and shows as well. Your whole family can choose an activity they would like to do and then you can fill entire days enjoying the fun of being together doing things you each love.

There are amusement parks in many states around the country. Do a little research to find amusement parks near you or in areas that you would like to consider visiting. Some amusement parks will have hotels onsite or very nearby that can sometimes be purchased as part of a package with tickets to the amusement park. Make sure that the amusement parks offer everything that you and your family will want to enjoy. Usually, the larger the amusement park, the more opportunities and activities will be offered. Often you can purchase family packages that offer tickets to amusement parks for a specific number of days at discounted rates. You will have to do a little planning ahead to know how many days of vacation you want to spend.

So get excited about your next vacation! Make plans to visit amusement parks and experience days of nothing but fun for the whole family.

Selasa, 06 April 2010

Amsterdam Bed And Breakfast

The city of Amsterdam has long been acclaimed for its 17th century architecture, the famous canals and waterways, lively nightlife and countless charming Amsterdam bed and breakfast. All of these are generally packed into a relatively small area, but although Amsterdam is a small city, it has a lot to offer.

When traveling for a vacation in Amsterdam, the Amsterdam bed and breakfast travelers must consider the must see attractions in the city, such as the Van Gogh Museum, the 250-room Rijksmuseum, the Anne Frank House, the Artis Zoo, the Royal Palace, the worldly known Dam Square and a lot more. Visitors must also take in local theaters, fine and ethnic dining, or explore the eclectic selection of shopping in the Jordaan neighborhood, and if the time to relax comes, the exciting and comforting Amsterdam bed and breakfasts are there to welcome you in.

Here are the top-rated Amsterdam bed and breakfasts that could give you the best accommodation and service possible.  They are the perfect places to stay on your Amsterdam vacation.

Amsterdam Central Bed and Breakfast

Amsterdam Central Bed and Breakfast Inn is located in the heart of the city, less than five minutes walking distance to the central station.  It offers well appointed bed and breakfast rooms, as well as apartments for the guests, and there is in guest kitchen, self service, or lots of different food available for dining.

Amsterdam Eelhouse

Amsterdam Eelhouse is actually a charming four-star Amsterdam bed and breakfast located in the heart of the city, closest to the Jordaan, Anne Frank House, Central Station and all the nightlife.  As a top-rated Amsterdam bed and breakfast inn, the Amsterdam Eelhouse offers rooms that are equipped with queen size bed, built-in wardrobe, dishes, lazy chair with ottoman, radio or CD player, and television. In every room, there is also a wetbar with a small sink, coffeemaker, mini-fridge, and private bathroom.

Ruben’s Bed and Breakfast

Conveniently located in the museum district of the Amsterdam center, Ruben’s B & B is just within walking distance or a few tram stops from the major museums and main tourist attractions in the great planned city of Amsterdam. As claimed, this bed and breakfast inn is also closer to the up market shopping street Beenthovenstraat, and from there exuberant nightlife is not far away.
Collector Bed and Breakfast

Here is another notable Amsterdam bed and breakfast that is conveniently located in the cultural center of Amsterdam – the Collector Bed and Breakfast. This place is just a three-minute walk to the museum area and is so close to the Vondelpark and nightlife. What’s more, Collector Bed and Breakfast has well appointed rooms, each with its own character, inspired by the Art Deco period. It is also interesting to know that the house, including the guestroom, is decorated with different collections, and the rooms are fully equipped with the necessary amenities such as bathrooms, TV, a balcony where you can smoke, internet access, and a lot more.

Palace B&B Amsterdam

Finally, here is Palace B&B which is located on the palace area, Dam Square, the most central of all locations. All rooms offered by this Amsterdam bed and breakfast are specious and luxurious with private bathrooms and coffee and tea facilities, including microwave and refrigerator, not to mention the other amenities.

Senin, 05 April 2010

Amsterdam Apartments

Amsterdam as we all know is the capital city of Netherlands. It is also the country’s largest city and the most visited, with more than 3.5 million foreign visitors who prefer to stay in the city every year. Well, with all the great things that Amsterdam has to offer, it’s no wonder that many people from across the globe visit the place for different purposes. It is in fact where the past, the present and the future meet.

In the city of Amsterdam, there are a lot of things to enjoy, such as the cozy environment, great dining, a memorable night out, and of course, comfortable accommodation. Many Amsterdam apartments are out there to give you the comfort and fun you want most. And, if you are now thinking for escaping to Amsterdam for just a few days, then it makes sense to base yourself at an Amsterdam apartment right in the heart of this exciting and bustling city.

Here is a list of the most visited Amsterdam apartments in the heart of the city where everything is central. Whether that would be one of the many museums or a major event, all of the accommodations are generally central. Note that these Amsterdam apartments allow you to walk about anywhere in the city.

Simply Amsterdam

At Simply Amsterdam, you are given the choice to stay in an apartment, studio, canal house or even a houseboat if you prefer. All of their accommodations are spacious and there is more privacy and more comfort than a hotel.


If you are searching for the finest accommodations, Flatmates apartments could be the best option for you. Their apartments are generally offered with the finest location and standards. They actually have a listing of the available apartments, and the owners of these apartments are personal friends of the Flatmates’ team, people who are good hosts and will give you with any assistance you might need.

Sunhead 1617

Sunhead is another top-rated name in the line of great Amsterdam apartments. As claimed, Sunhead has a number of centrally located apartments, be at the center of what the canal area has to offer. The Sunhead Amsterdam apartments are in fact just stone’s throw away from restaurants, fashion boutiques, art and antique stores, and even to some cafes.

Canal View Apartment

Canal View Apartment is another notable Amsterdam apartment that could offer you the best accommodation and service possible. It is actually a recently renovated luxury Amsterdam apartment situated on Raamgracht, at the center of Amsterdam. It is interesting to know that their rooms can accommodate up to four guests, and the neighborhood is very popular due to the diversity of locals.

Old Harbour Apartments

Located right in the historic center of the city of Amsterdam, you will find the Old Harbour Apartments, which have long been considered as the 17th century Golden Age house, dating from 1650. Just like the other mentioned Amsterdam apartments, the Old Harbour Apartments are just minutes walk from the city’s Central Station, along the old harbour front.